Hello! My name is Cara Perrone and I am a Health Coach and a Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist Practitioner (FDN-P).
I started at HealthWell365 when I realized I could help clients create health and wellness through lifestyle changes and personalized nutrition.
As an FDN Practitioner, I educate people about food & nutrition, lifestyle modification, stress relief and exercise to help them feel and look better naturally.
Every individual is different, with unique dietary needs based upon their genetics, lifestyle factors, age, stress levels, medical history, and current state of health so there is not one way to eat or live or to heal.
That is why fad diets work for some, but not for others. When the experts say, “dairy is good for you” “avoid fats” or “eat lots of fruit,” it doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone. One person’s food could be another person’s poison.
My goal is to support you in making positive changes that are based on your unique needs, current state of health, unique genetic makeup, environmental and lifestyle factors, and personal preferences.
Typical results include weight loss, improved sleep quality, increased energy, and reduction in overall inflammation.
Your first visit is an opportunity for me to collect information about you, I am always asking the question why…why do you feel this way, what….what is the one thing you want to change, who…who is there to support you in this change, when…when are you committed to make this change, where….where do you see yourself in a month, 6 months, one year.
I start with food and teach you how food can be used for healing. I work with you and educate you on foods that will satisfy and sustain you. I can help teach you meal prep and introduce quick, easy and satisfying recipes.
If symptoms persist, we can delve deeper utilizing intake questionnaires that focus on health history and functional lab testing to uncover dysfunctions of various bodily systems revealing healing opportunities. My clients and I decide together on the next course of action.
If you have questions for me or would like to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact me at 630-688-9172 or email me at HealthWellcp@gmail.com. I look forward to working with yo